Chiyoda & Public Works Co., Ltd (CPW) is a joint venture between Chiyoda Corporation of Japan and The Ministry of Construction, Myanmar. Chiyoda is a large Japanese engineering company specializing in industrial facilities, particularly oil refineries and LNG facilities in Hydrocarbon/ Non-Hydrocarbon and related fields. The Ministry of Construction, Myanmar is responsible for the country’s construction and maintenance of infrastructure. Chiyoda will hold 60% of the joint venture equity and The Ministry of Construction will hold 40%. The company was established in Myanmar since October 1, 1997 and was formed under the Special Company Act. Our main area of business line is Engineering, Procurement & Construction(EPC) for Hydrocarbon and Non Hydrocarbon projects.
Permitted Business Line
Consulting services for infrastructure and social development
Engineering, Procurement and Construction of projects for infrastructure and social development
Sublease of construction equipment
Office rental services and real restate development
Operation and maintenance services including training, technology transfer in;
- Utility System
- Environmental Preservation System
- Industrial Plants -
Other related business